Member Research

Domestic Violence at the Workplace: Investigating the Impact of Domestic Violence Perpetration on Workers and Workplaces

The study takes an unconventional approach to understanding the significant effects of domestic violence in the workplace. By seeking the views of the perpetrators of violence, the study found that domestic violence perpetration, like victimization, has costs to the workplace in terms of worker safety and productivity and that most employers lack adequate resources to help perpetrators deal with the issue.

The Impact of Domestic Violence in the Workplace: Results from a Pan-Canadian Survey
This paper reports the main findingsof the first large-scale, Canadian research suvery on the prevalence and impact of domestic violence in the workplace. More specifically, it provides (1) rates of DV exposure, (2) the occurrence of DV at/near work, (3) the impact of DV on work performance, (4) the impact of DV on victims’ ability to get to work, (5) job loss and time off due to DV, (6) the impact of DV on coworkers, (7) beliefs about the impact of DV in the workplace, and (8) gender differences in the impacts of DV at work.

Domestic Violence in the Canadian Workplace: Are Coworkers Aware?
This report explores the following questions: : (1) How common is it for workers to report being aware of a coworker who is a DV victim or perpetrator? (2) What warning signs of DV victimization and perpetration do workers recognize? (3) Are victims of DV more likely than nonvictims to recognize DV and its warning signs in the workplace? (4) When aware: (a) what impacts of DV do workers perceive on the victims’/perpetrators’ ability to work; and (b) do they know when victims/perpetrators receive DV-related support at work?

ILO Report: Addressing Occupational Violence: An overview of conceptual and policy considerations viewed through a gender lens
This report is not about violence against women, but rather about violence against workers, both men and women; however, wherever possible a gendered analysis of the results was retained so as to ensure that interventions that could be informed by this report are gender sensitive, designed to meet the sometimes similar, sometimes distinct, needs of male and female workers. The report is in two parts, the first conceptualizing workplace violence through a gender lens, the second examining regulatory and other normative interventions to address workplace violence.

ILO Report on Violence and Harassment against Women and Men in the World of Work. Trade Union Perspectives and Action
This report provides a wealth of evidence of how trade unions can contribute to making real and positive changes in the workplace to protect workers, and particularly women workers, from violence and harassment. Through collective agreements, workplace policies and negotiations, campaigns and awareness-raising, trade unions have taken constructive steps to prevent violence and harassment in the world of work, often challenging institutional and structural forms of discrimination against workers.

European Trade Union Confederation Safe at Home, Safe at Work Report
Trade union strategies to prevent, manage and eliminate work-place harassment and violence against women. This report – produced as part of the ‘Safe at Home, Safe at Work’ Project of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) – draws together evidence collected from interviews carried out as part of 11 detailed country case studies of European-level developments on gender-based violence and harassment at work, including domestic violence at work.